Warnings & Disclaimer
Important - Please Read!

Firstly, I want to re-emphasize the notice that's found at the bottom of every page on this site:

IMPORTANT: This site is provided for general informational purposes only. The information contained in this site has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. The information contained in this site is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition and must not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice and care. Always seek the approval of a qualified medical professional before you consume any new herb, herbal tea, or other unfamiliar substance.


I'll say this as simply as I can:

Eating or drinking the wrong thing can kill you!

Although many herbs are safe for human consumption, all herbs - and all people - are not created alike.

Some herbs (or parts of an herb plant) could be dangerous, toxic, and even fatal if you eat, drink, or put them on your skin.

It's your responsibility to determine what you're growing, what you're consuming, and what health risks you might be facing - before you do it!  

Know Your Plants

Before you grow anything with the intention of eating, drinking, or using it on your body, be sure to positively identify each plant and find out for sure whether it's meant for human consumption.

When in doubt, always err on the side of caution!

Buying Herbs from a Grower or Supplier

A reputable herb grower/supplier will be able to tell you:

  1. Whether a particular plant is known or thought to be toxic to humans; and

  2. Whether their plants have been exposed to pesticides or other potentially toxic substances.

If you don't see this information on the supplier's website (for online herb purchases) or on the plant's description tag (for in-store or at-the-farm purchases), then take the time to email, call, or find a knowledgeable staff member and ask.

If the grower/supplier or staff member can't answer your questions about possible toxicity, pesticide use, etc., then go elsewhere and buy from someone who can answer your questions.

When in doubt, always err on the side of caution!

"Wildcrafting" Herbs

In plain English, "wildcrafting" means harvesting herbs from the wild.

Unless you're a trained botanist, wildcrafting herbs is a dangerous - and potentially deadly - practice.

Always err on the side of caution. Don't do it!

Know Your Body

Some herbs are known or believed to be dangerous or even deadly:

  • to people who are taking a prescribed or over-the-counter medication

  • to those who are or might be suffering from certain medical conditions

  • to women who are, who might be, or who are planning to become pregnant

  • to those who suffer from allergies

  • to children

Only you, in consultation with your medical professional, can determine if a particular herb might pose a risk to your health. Do not eat, drink, or use any herb without first consulting a qualified medical professional.

And never allow a child to eat, drink, or use any herb without first consulting a qualified medical professional.

When in doubt, always err on the side of caution!


The information on this site is based on my personal experience as an amateur, at-home herb gardener and avid herbal tea drinker. I am not a trained botanist, herbalist, or medical professional.

This site is intended for use only by adults aged 18 and over.

By using any information on this site, you acknowledge and agree that you are doing so exclusively at your own risk. 

You also acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms of use of this site.


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